Tresco Island 2025 Calendar
Islander and photographer Ellie Tabron says of the Tresco 2024 calendar:
'Welcome to my fifth and final Tresco calendar, the contents of which were photographed between February 2023 and January 2024.
During this period my youngest has grown from a small baby into a strong willed toddler and behind these photos I can hear her evolving coos, cries and calls, as my younger two remain reliable companions on the majority of my island excursions.
January's image is an exception in that I took it alone. A quiet moment at Merchant's Point, where any winter blues were melted away by a different sort.
My path now takes me in a different direction and by the time this calendar dons your wall I will be on the other side of the world. New experiences, new challenges; a new home in Australia. I'll be leaving a piece of my heart on Tresco of course.'
Join Ellie for a year's worth of Tresco views and memories with the 2025 Tresco calendar.
About Ellie

Tresco Greetings Card 8-Pack