Operation Fish Fetch
The Five Islands School have been working together on a whole school event to celebrate Scillly and its maritime heritage and culture.
The idea began last November. "Let's have a street parade celebrating the children of Scilly and where they live" said Susanna with Amanda Lorens (who is the founder of all the Truro city of lights and Golawan)
So began the project and planning for the Blue Wave Parade. Amanda Lorens visited us in February and ran workshops on Tresco building the fish with all the off island pupils and on St Marys building giant willow sculpture of a fishing boat.
All the islands' school children were involved - the first whole school collaboration for ages 3 to 16.
You can follow the fish's journey from Tresco to St Marys in the picture gallery above - Operation Fish Fetch!
The Blue Wave Parade will take place on Tuesday 22 July starting at Carn Gwarvel school at Old Town and finishing at Holgates Green on the Strand.