Crab Cafe
The school children opened a café this afternoon to raise money for families in Syria, and it was a roaring success
For the last fortnight the local school children have been spreading the word about their upcoming event. Ollie even went to the lengths of popping into the office, handing out posters and telling everyone what you could get for £1!
After all the anticipation, the Crab Café was open today and the children became waiters and waitresses for the afternoon. With a plethora of homemade cakes on offer and the kettle going non stop, it was a great success with visitors from across the island popping in. The whole event was in order to raise money for families struggling in Syria - many of whom face daily toil that we find difficult to even imagine from the safe, peaceful shores of Tresco and Bryher.
The children were brilliant and greeted guests, took their orders and served up hot drinks. What's more, they had made beautiful Valentine's Day cards to sell for further donations.
They are quite the entrepreneurs and we are very proud of them! Thank you for having us and we hope the Crab Café opens up again soon.