A Christmas like no other
A Tresco Christmas is second to none. Complete with sea swims, beaches, singing and island community, we can't wait for the festive season to begin...
There is plenty to get excited about this Christmas with an extensive festive events calendar. From peaceful yoga and carol singing, to exhilarating sea swims and lots of opportunities for eating and drinking, there is something for everyone.
The New Inn is the hub of the island and there will be drinks on Christmas Day between 11am and 12:30pm for everyone on island. Moreover, there will be plenty of warming winter meals on offer throughout the festive period. The island choir are warming up their pipes ready for carol singing, and there will be opportunities for shopping at Gallery Tresco and the Stores.

What's on this Christmas
There's a plethora of Christmassy events to get stuck into whilst you're here. Take a look...
Tresco Festive Events Calendar
Why a Tresco Christmas is the best
We spoke to members of the Tresco Island team about what makes an island Christmas so special. What was mentioned in all responses was peace, tranquillity and being amongst the elements. Highlights include Christmas Day walks on the beach, Christmas Eve shopping with a glass of sherry in hand, and gathering at the pub to watch the island children play with their presents.
Rachel has many fond Christmas memories as she worked in the New Inn for many years and met the same returning guests year on year. Her other highlights include 'getting the tractor bus and driving around the island eating and singing, watching the children's nativity and decorating the Church for the festive season. I also love the fact that no driving is involved - just a bit of drunk cycling!'
Ruth loves the Christmas carol service at St Nicholas Church and the smell of roasting chestnuts and Grace says her festive stay in Ocean View one year was amazing and waking up to the sound of the sea never gets old. Christmas quay jumping is the best!
Al Moore wrote some wonderful words about Christmas on Tresco in his obituary to Edward Birch last year...
"One of my own personal memories of Edward inevitably involves transport. It was December many years ago and I’d been asked by the lovely Eve Cooper to put in an appearance as Father Christmas for the school children.
Costume on, I was gathering myself to head off from Blockhouse Cottages to the Community Centre when there was a knock at the door. There was Eddie in his thick plaid jacket and an old Island Hotel baseball cap.
A bit surprised, I greeted him uncertainly “Hello Eddie…” For his part, Eddie did not seem the least bit surprised to find Father Christmas in residence at No 4 Blockhouse Cottages.
Eddie grinned his grin and said “Come on boy, your sleigh’s outside.”
Sure enough there on the track was my sleigh, looking to all the world like a grey Ferguson T20. Eddie gestured to the link box and said “Get in, Santa”
For such a short journey it really was remarkably uncomfortable, as I clung to the lurching, swaying link box while we plunged through a succession of puddles and potholes. Presents sprung out of the sack like leaping salmon, while my beard, wig, hat and even the Santa suit trousers all made individual attempts at escape. Of course, Eddie was blissfully unaware of the pandemonium taking place in the link box; only delighted by the reception given to us by the waiting children."

We can't wait to welcome you to Tresco at truly the most wonderful time of the year...
Looking for a special gift?
Remind loved ones of days spent exploring on Tresco and give them a Journal, complete with checklists, travel details and pages for sketching and writing. The store is full of other goodies too....
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