Tresco Artists

Imogen Bone
I endeavour to keep a freshness and freedom to my paintings but have them underpinned with accurately delineated realism.

Iona Sanders
My residency this year was in January, and the overwhelming feeling I had was of quiet contemplation whilst walking around the island and enjoying the magnificent skies!

Jim Osborne
Through the medium of paint, I aim to recapture the atmospheres and rhythms, russet islands and turquoise seas that so vividly colour my experience.

John Bampfield
These paintings are my attempt to convey something of how it feels to me to be on Tresco. I use colours and textures, knowledge and imagination, and paint.

Lizzie Black AROI
The dancing light reflecting from a neighbouring jug or even the warmth of a shadow from a flower onto a surface are explored with equal curiosity and interest. This lively work radiates hopefulness and vitality.

Maggie O’Brien
What with the tropical skies and the equally exotic nerine fields, it was all about pink despite the fact that it was late November.

Marie Mills
I am a messy worker, using oils to their maximum potential, layer after layer, scraping and adding more layers! I use pallet knives, brushes, fingers and oil bar.

Melanie Max
I hope this collection of paintings reflects the peacefulness I find there and hope they bring a feeling of calm to others too

Neil Pinkett
This year’s little collection is of the Scillonian, a vessel dear to my heart and thankfully kind to my stomach though not everyone feels the same.

Nick Botting
For most people a visit to Tresco is an escape from what we are used to, and an opportunity really to reflect.

Nicky Walker
This year on the island, days were spent wandering along the beach, watching the tide running and rippling along the shoreline at Appletree Bay; hazy days where the Eastern Isles would be there one minute and not the next.

Pamela Harrington
For me there is nothing quite like stepping down from the plane into the warm Scilly air and looking out across the islands surrounded by the sparkling sea, feeling such joy at being back and having so much to look forward to