Wild Sea Eastern Isles
Last Light Green Porth
Sundown Hell Bay
Hazy days Eastern Isles
oil on canvas
£ 700
oil on canvas
£ 700
oil on canvas
£ 1,400
oil on canvas
£ 700

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This year on the island, days were spent wandering along the beach, watching the tide running and rippling along the shoreline at Appletree Bay; hazy days where the Eastern Isles would be there one minute and not the next. Days spent rekindling memories of place and discovering new. Painting here for me is always about a feeling – the relationship between land, sea and sky – feeling it, seeing it and just trying to capture it there and then.
Winter and Festive breaks are not always available to book online - for cottage stays or New Inn breaks over the winter months please go to Winter on Tresco or call 01720 422849.